
 Application for Short-Term Adjustment Programmes



  • 本校全學年均接受入學申請。
  • 學生在接受短適課程期間,其原校學籍可獲教育局保留。
  • 每位短適生均會安排進行功課輔導,期望能銜接原校課程及進度。
  • 定期召開會議檢討進程,並與原校社工及教師交流經驗。
  • 中心社工、學校社工、訓輔老師、班主任、教育心理學家及言語治療師組成專業團隊為學生提供深入個案跟進。
Short Term Adjustment Programme

Our aim is to offer a safe and structured atmosphere that fosters progression and growth through a combination of counselling, academic studies, and recreational activities at school and the residential home.  With 24-hour supervision and care, these live-in centres help children with moderate behavioural and emotional needs in Primary 5 - Secondary 3 return to mainstream classrooms.

  • Admissions are accepted all year round.
  • The place in the child’s original school will not be affected by admission to our programme.
  • Students are provided with after-school tutorials to facilitate their learning.
  • Social workers and teachers meet regularly to review and discuss the progress of students.
    Each case is closely monitored by social workers, guidance and discipline teachers, class teachers, an educational psychologist and, where appropriate, a speech therapist.