一般申請 General Information on Application for Admission
申請者可透過社會福利署各綜合家庭服務中心、非政府機構社會服務單位社工及就讀學校社工、輔導主任或校長轉介,轉介者可透過「學生入讀群育學校/院舍網上申請系統 (eAppSSD)」遞交申請及相關資料,如最近期的學校成績表、醫療報告、心理學家/輔導人員的報告或精神科醫生報告等,以便「中央統籌轉介系統」評審委員會審批及安排學位。本校收到申請後,會由學校社工安排面試,合適者即安排辦理入學手續。可參閱申請服務詳情。
Subject to the specialists’ assessment and recommendations, and with parents’ consent, children with more severe or multiple disabilities are placed in special schools for intensive support by the Education Bureau through the Central Coordination and Referral System. Referrers should submit, (Electronic System for Application for Placement in School for Social Development /Residential Home) via the eAppSSD, the application form (CRM-F1) and related information, e.g. latest school report, medical report, reports from psychologist, counsellor or psychiatrist for processing by Vetting under Committee of Central Co-ordinating Referral Mechanism. (CCRM). All Interviews are then scheduled by school social worker for further evaluation. Please refer to the service details.
如對入學申請及短適課程內容有任何查詢,可致電2711 4800聯絡本校社工。
Please contact our social workers at 2711 4800 if you have any questions.